Age grading takes your time and uses the world record time for your sex and age to produce a score (a percentage). This score allows you to compare your personal performance against other people's performances even though they might be a different age and a different sex to you - the higher the score the better the performance.

The scores can also be compared across different race distances - to allow you to compare a 5km time against a 10k for example.

Age Grades are calculated to allow rough comparisons between performances - it should be noted that the calculation makes no allowance for different weather conditions or the varying terrains of our courses.

The calculations are based on the tables Howard Grubb for WMA (previously known as WAVA).

Age graded Percentage guidelines as stated by the WMA

  • Above 100% Usually, at least, a record setting performance for that age and distance

  • 100% Approximate world record level

  • Above 90% World Class Level

  • Above 80% National Class Level

  • Above 70% Regional Class Level

  • Above 60% Local Class Level